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No fail biscuits! (Promise)

written by

Aliceson Bales

posted on

November 7, 2020

Hey everybody! Happy Monday! I hope this week begins with rest, peace, calm and sunshine. I know it’s a crazy time right now with lots of changes for us all. There are a lot of folks dealing with anxiety and stress on many levels, and I’m so sorry. I wish there was a magic wand I could wave and these issues we’re dealing with would just go away, but life isn’t a Disney movie and I haven’t seen a fairy godmother with a wand anywhere. So. All I can say is we’re all in this together and we will make it! We’re tougher than we think and I have faith in us! We. Will. Make. It.

So, again, I can’t make coronavirus and the anxiety it brings go away but maybe I can help in some way, and that’s probably with food.

Most of us are staying in now whether we like it or not and there’s very little open so I assume you’re cooking more than ever before, which is why I am sharing recipes more than ever before. If there’s one you’re searching for and can’t find just yell at me and I’ll share it. My cell is 423-823-1397. I’ve been sharing some on Instagram and some through email so if you’ve missed a recipe let me know!

Today I made my biscuits. If you know me you know I don’t bake. My mom makes the best sourdough bread and I have amazing friends who make every other type of bread-related items – pretzels, challah, torpedo rolls, everything and I buy everything. The point is I rarely bake. But I do make biscuits a lot. I used to think the frozen biscuits were just as good as homemade and you couldn’t tell the difference but that’s a lie straight from the devil. You can tell a huge difference. So I have been making biscuits for years and years that really are easy and fail proof. And I’m going to walk you through this recipe today. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 stick of butter, frozen

2 1/2 cups self rising flour

1 cup whole milk or (preferably) buttermilk

Freeze the stick of butter and then grate with a hand held cheese grater. Mix the flour and butter in a large bowl. Add your milk and mix into a ball. Work the ball for 3-5 minutes and then roll out with a rolling pin to about 1/4-1/2 inch thickness. Using a regular mouth mason jar cut your biscuits. THIS IS MAJORLY IMPORTANT! WHEN CUTTING BISCUITS DO NOT TURN YOUR JAR. PUSH STRAIGHT DOWN AND STRAIGHT UP. When you rotate the jar on the dough it pinches the dough and the biscuits don’t rise well or evenly. Trust me on this. A chef friend instructed me on this years ago and it’s totally true.

Put your biscuits in a cast iron skillet and (if you want, totally optional) brush the tops of the biscuits with a dab of melted butter.

Bake for 15 minutes at 475 degrees.

That’s it! It’s sooooo easy and even I haven’t ruined biscuits. I hope you have a blast making these for yourself and your loved ones. Be gentle with yourself during this time. Love each other well and remember we’re all in this together.

If you need me just yell! I’m around and willing to help anyway I can.


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